What's in the Box? Metformin for Diabetes

What's in the Box? Metformin for Diabetes

Getting control of blood sugar problems-what your doctor would call impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is Crucial to your life and health. Diabetes is a continuum like a thermostat that is too hot (too high a blood sugar) or to too cold (too low a sugar or hypoglycemia). In this fascinating new video, Dr. Rybacki talks about sugar problems and how metformin may be a medicine that your doctor wants to start early.

What's in the Box? Metformin for Diabetes
  • What's in the Box - Metformin for Diabetes

    Getting control of blood sugar problems-what your doctor would call impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is Crucial to your life and health. Diabetes is a continuum like a thermostat that is too hot (too high a blood sugar) or to too cold (too low a sugar or hypoglycemia). In this fascinating new vid...