An Insider's Look at ACC24
Heart (Cardiology) Conference Bundle
7m 33s
You will feel like you actually are at ACC24, the world’s best heart (Cardiovascular meeting). Hear the background conversations and excitement in the Exhibit Hall! From registration to the huge Main Tent. You’ll get more than seven minutes of what going to a major heart meeting feels like!
Up Next in Heart (Cardiology) Conference Bundle
Why Did My Medicine Cost So Much?
Wait, the shot is how much? You may have actually asked a Pharmacist this exact question. I surprisingly found myself in the same situation recently. I’ll tell you how you can try to avoid such financial toxicity right in the doctor’s office. You’ll get eight minutes and 35 seconds of my heartfel...
Dr. Nissen SURMOUNTs ACC24
Every once in a while you bump into a rock star in cardiology when you film a major heart meeting. It’s like bumping into Einstein in Walmart…well sort of. In this lucky, short encounter, Dr. Steve actually reveals his thoughts on a breakthrough medicine and tells the name of the research study t...
Dr. Rahul Aggarwal at ACC24
Major heart meetings have major department heads and key physician leaders from Medical Centers and Universities that we’ve all heard of. Remarkably, young doctors, pharmacists and nurses also get a chance to break into important science and breaking news in medicines. This happens via poster ses...